Anjali Nath is a seasoned performer and educator and has dedicated her dance life to preserving and promoting Kathak, northern Indian classical dance. Anjali has been trained by the foremost masters of the art, the late Pandit Chitresh Das, and Ms. Gretchen Hayden since 1997. Anjali has made significant contributions to the preservation and evolution of the art, growing institutions of learning and training the next generations of kathak artists. Anjali is a captivating and attuned artist and is continuously evolving while digging deeper into her art. She brings her dedication to excellence and accessibility to every interaction and is committed to leveraging the art to grow stronger individuals and communities through her art.
Anjali has been featured in dozens of professional solo and collaborative productions. She has performed internationally with the Chitresh Das Dance Company and Chhandika Boston since 2002. Anjali's artistry continues to mature and bloom as she explores countless ways to connect to children through older adults of every walk of life through school and community performances, classes she offers online and in-person, professional development and training workshops, and her new professional works.
Anjali has engaged thousands of school children across Massachusetts and beyond through the Arts for Learning MA (formerly Young Audiences) program. She is on faculty at Harvard and Phillips Exeter Academy (2023).
Anjali has been featured in dozens of professional solo and collaborative productions. She has performed internationally with the Chitresh Das Dance Company and Chhandika Boston since 2002. Anjali's artistry continues to mature and bloom as she explores countless ways to connect to children through older adults of every walk of life through school and community performances, classes she offers online and in-person, professional development and training workshops, and her new professional works.
Anjali has engaged thousands of school children across Massachusetts and beyond through the Arts for Learning MA (formerly Young Audiences) program. She is on faculty at Harvard and Phillips Exeter Academy (2023).