Marie Libbin, a junior at Natick High School, is thrilled to be interning with Monkeyhouse! She is very involved in her school's musical productions and is fortunate enough to have Nicole as her choreographer along with taking private dance classes with Nicole as well. Marie has 2 left feet, but is working towards perfecting her quadruple pirouette and becoming a professional dancer...JUST KIDDING. But she really does love to dance, and is especially working to improve her jazz and tap ability, for musical theater purposes. Marie is a huge advocate for the arts and on top of theater, is involved in various choir ensembles as well as the Natick Speech Team. Marie co-runs Natick High's student-run acapella group, Seven's Not Enough. The singers in this group have had the opportunity to work with Impulse's, TAProject. Marie loves to laugh as well as attempting to make others laugh. As Marie continues on through college and beyond, her goal is not to be successful (even though that certainly would be a plus!), her goal is to be happy! Marie loves Monkeyhouse and is very blessed to be apart of such a phenomenal company.