Table of Contents
Palatial Ranch Project by Andrea Muñiz
Sappho: Excerpts by Nell Mancini
Still #11424 by karen Krolak
Grief Carousel by Sophie Nash
you will find home in your body again by Gracie Baruzzi
There’s no need to argue anymore. by Nora Stephens
hahaha by Decent Dance
dear ___ by Shira Weiss
Con Luces by Circe Rowan
Ostinato in Emanation by Rianna Lindsay
Matilda's Cellphone Waltz by Leah Misano
Change (excerpt from The Head is not the Star of the Body) by Cassie Wang
Masculinity by Jennifer Kuhnberg
I'll ask your mom if you ask mine by Ananth Udupa and CJ Donohoe
Along Came Polly by Nick Neagle
Sappho: Excerpts by Nell Mancini
Still #11424 by karen Krolak
Grief Carousel by Sophie Nash
you will find home in your body again by Gracie Baruzzi
There’s no need to argue anymore. by Nora Stephens
hahaha by Decent Dance
dear ___ by Shira Weiss
Con Luces by Circe Rowan
Ostinato in Emanation by Rianna Lindsay
Matilda's Cellphone Waltz by Leah Misano
Change (excerpt from The Head is not the Star of the Body) by Cassie Wang
Masculinity by Jennifer Kuhnberg
I'll ask your mom if you ask mine by Ananth Udupa and CJ Donohoe
Along Came Polly by Nick Neagle
Palatial Ranch Project
Choreographed by Andrea Muñiz in collaboration with Charles Dietrich
Audio by Charles Dietrich
Choreographed by Andrea Muñiz in collaboration with Charles Dietrich
Audio by Charles Dietrich
(Charles speaks)
I don’t really want to start.
Might be good to get it somewhere else…make some space, like a house within a house
… ugh this is hard
I want to fix it up, like the way it looked before when my parents moved in…
so many bad memories
It’s a process it’s a process
too much of the wrong process.
Andrea and I call it the Palatial Ranch Project
It’s like 24,000 square of ranch.
I did find a big bottle of ranch in the basement once.
That’s not true, I didn’t find that.
Yeah it was all full of receipts, and he would just stack them up like this
He would put them in really bad places like the kitchen counter and he would circle the dates.. i guess to keep track of time.
It was so dusty when I got to them.
(moving noises)
(Andrea speaks in a formal tone)
Project summary: … the final stages of closing a home. All items must be out of the house within three weeks. Storage units are available to hold items that require further processing or don’t have a home yet.
Goal: Empty house of all items - and move as little into storage as possible
Deadline - January 11th (possibly the 16th)
Project areas: basement and garage and anything left in the upstairs units
(moving noises)
One box at a time seems more emotionally manageable.
They all go to the same place which is together or out or…whatever
(Charles and Andrea in unison) Derandomize. Come up with categories tools, kitchen, clothes, ect, ect.
So many notes and things to orchestrate. Who cares about this symphony of stuff. Too much good stuff, too much bad stuff.
What’s so funny about this?
I don’t really want to start.
Might be good to get it somewhere else…make some space, like a house within a house
… ugh this is hard
I want to fix it up, like the way it looked before when my parents moved in…
so many bad memories
It’s a process it’s a process
too much of the wrong process.
Andrea and I call it the Palatial Ranch Project
It’s like 24,000 square of ranch.
I did find a big bottle of ranch in the basement once.
That’s not true, I didn’t find that.
Yeah it was all full of receipts, and he would just stack them up like this
He would put them in really bad places like the kitchen counter and he would circle the dates.. i guess to keep track of time.
It was so dusty when I got to them.
(moving noises)
(Andrea speaks in a formal tone)
Project summary: … the final stages of closing a home. All items must be out of the house within three weeks. Storage units are available to hold items that require further processing or don’t have a home yet.
Goal: Empty house of all items - and move as little into storage as possible
Deadline - January 11th (possibly the 16th)
Project areas: basement and garage and anything left in the upstairs units
(moving noises)
One box at a time seems more emotionally manageable.
They all go to the same place which is together or out or…whatever
(Charles and Andrea in unison) Derandomize. Come up with categories tools, kitchen, clothes, ect, ect.
So many notes and things to orchestrate. Who cares about this symphony of stuff. Too much good stuff, too much bad stuff.
What’s so funny about this?
Sappho: Excerpts
Choreographed by Nell Mancini
"Saw You in a Dream" by The Japanese House
"Morning Pages" by The Japanese House and MUNA
Choreographed by Nell Mancini
"Saw You in a Dream" by The Japanese House
"Morning Pages" by The Japanese House and MUNA
I saw you in a dream
You had stayed the same
You were beckoning me
Said that I had changed
Tried to keep my eyes closed
I want you so bad
Then I awoke and it was so sad
Sooner or later, you'll find yourself right where you were
On the corner went looking for her
She had somethin' to tell you, she can't quite remember
But wait for a second, it always comes back to her
You always come back to her
You're still on her time wherever you are
You don't wanna go in, so you sit in the car
And then wait for a feeling, it never quite hits
And you wait for a moment she reaches your lips
She never quite hits
She'll do that thing where she sits at your feet
And it used to be so hot, now it's just sweet
You start to cry and she can't help but laugh
She says, "Try to enjoy it as long as it lasts"
Sometimes when you are alone, you can't look in her eyes
'Cause it's like you're reading a book
And her pages and turning so fast in a glance
You can see how it ends, and you wish that you couldn't, I heard
'Cause it always comes back to her
You always come back to her
I drove to the ocean to see the sunset
I was on the wrong side of the cliff, so I left
I got talking to someone, I gave her a lift
To the station, she waved as she ran for her train
And she had no idea she was making my day
Sooner or later, you'll find yourself right where you were
On the corner went looking for her
She had somethin' to tell you, she can't quite remember
But wait for a second, it always comes back to her
You always come back to her
You always come back to her (you always come back to her)
You always come back to her
Always come back to her
You had stayed the same
You were beckoning me
Said that I had changed
Tried to keep my eyes closed
I want you so bad
Then I awoke and it was so sad
Sooner or later, you'll find yourself right where you were
On the corner went looking for her
She had somethin' to tell you, she can't quite remember
But wait for a second, it always comes back to her
You always come back to her
You're still on her time wherever you are
You don't wanna go in, so you sit in the car
And then wait for a feeling, it never quite hits
And you wait for a moment she reaches your lips
She never quite hits
She'll do that thing where she sits at your feet
And it used to be so hot, now it's just sweet
You start to cry and she can't help but laugh
She says, "Try to enjoy it as long as it lasts"
Sometimes when you are alone, you can't look in her eyes
'Cause it's like you're reading a book
And her pages and turning so fast in a glance
You can see how it ends, and you wish that you couldn't, I heard
'Cause it always comes back to her
You always come back to her
I drove to the ocean to see the sunset
I was on the wrong side of the cliff, so I left
I got talking to someone, I gave her a lift
To the station, she waved as she ran for her train
And she had no idea she was making my day
Sooner or later, you'll find yourself right where you were
On the corner went looking for her
She had somethin' to tell you, she can't quite remember
But wait for a second, it always comes back to her
You always come back to her
You always come back to her (you always come back to her)
You always come back to her
Always come back to her
Voice # 1
In the dark space between pieces, I often remember all the shows in the 70’s that began “The following stunts are performed by a trained professional- do not try this at home!”
Lights come up hopefully [lights bump up] to reveal a person reclining on the edge of an overturned blue podium. The performer's feet rest precariously on the handlebars of a bedraggled orange walker to the right of the upset pulpit. Knees bent at an acute angle pointing towards the infinite uncertainty that looms above us all. Her arms are folded over each other at her shoulders embracing her is a gentle hug. The matte grey of her dress highlights the pale pinkness of her bare arms. A chaos of platinum hair flows out from her placid form.
Voice # 2
Is she waiting for the music to start? Is this just a technical glitch? [low drone begins]
Umm..can she hear the…what do you call that? Certainly not a song..more like an aggressive earworm that can’t finish its thought. She lacks the tension of being frozen but she is certainly not moving. Hmmm Is she a midcentury modern…dancer(?) Or just a stage hand taking a nap. Well, not a stage hand in that dress. Does she have on pants or something under that dress…maybe her spanx are too tight and that is why she hasn’t moved…Either way, where is the virtuosity in this? Isn’t dance supposed to impress me? I think my dog does this “dance” a few times a day. Well, maybe not in this exact pose, Mookie has more of a capsized turtle snooze style…and even Mookie jerks her legs occasionally. Oh those little paws fluttering. Wait, maybe there is a clue in this somewhere.
If she were in this exact position but flat on the floor with a folded blanket under her head. I believe it would be called constructive rest. One of these days I should actually try that…might help with that pain in my hip.
Sooooo.. have we caught her in a moment of defying the forces of capitalism, colonialism,... the patriarchy? Is this a statement on the perils of waiting for your prince to return to save you? Or is this a manifesto on alternative medical modalities? Could that explain why she has included the rollator? Nanna used to have one like that. She called it the Rolls Royce of rollators. [small chuckle] Mookie lived in fear of those wheels. She hated them more than my wheelie suitcase. This still doesn’t make sense.
Is this a joke? This certainly isn’t what I paid for. Wait, how much did I pay for my ticket? It was so late when I bought it, I can’t remember
Has anyone checked is that woman still…
Yes of course she is still
I mean is she still
You know…
Wait, did her finger twitch? Her pinkie…Did anyone else notice that? Not as much flair as Mookie- oh that little wiggle.
Well, then yes, she is alive…still.
How is this still going on?
Is it just me or does her endless stillness make anyone else notice every time they blink or fidget? See I am scratching my neck again. And uff that cramping in my right shoulder is getting worse.The knot throbs up into my jaw. I wish I had time to get a massage or go for a float but I barely have time to pee most days.It was three thirty yesterday before I realized that I hadn’t eaten anything yet. What did I eat today…I remember cheese - feta? Or was that dinner yesterday? Oh god, that carton of milk in the fridge probably needs to get thrown out. Sometimes I miss those early lockdown days where I could spend a half hour making ricotta while waiting for bread dough to rise. That smell as the warm whey hits the yeast. Mookie slyly gravitating to the kitchen seconds before the timer goes off. Hmmm. [improvised sighs and happy noises]
Good lord, we are still here.
Can this still be a dance?
Wait, if I am the one shifting my weight from one butt cheek to another, uncrossing my legs and pushing stray hairs out of my face…
Am I the dancer??? Wait til I tell Mookie!
[lights slow fade out]
In the dark space between pieces, I often remember all the shows in the 70’s that began “The following stunts are performed by a trained professional- do not try this at home!”
Lights come up hopefully [lights bump up] to reveal a person reclining on the edge of an overturned blue podium. The performer's feet rest precariously on the handlebars of a bedraggled orange walker to the right of the upset pulpit. Knees bent at an acute angle pointing towards the infinite uncertainty that looms above us all. Her arms are folded over each other at her shoulders embracing her is a gentle hug. The matte grey of her dress highlights the pale pinkness of her bare arms. A chaos of platinum hair flows out from her placid form.
Voice # 2
Is she waiting for the music to start? Is this just a technical glitch? [low drone begins]
Umm..can she hear the…what do you call that? Certainly not a song..more like an aggressive earworm that can’t finish its thought. She lacks the tension of being frozen but she is certainly not moving. Hmmm Is she a midcentury modern…dancer(?) Or just a stage hand taking a nap. Well, not a stage hand in that dress. Does she have on pants or something under that dress…maybe her spanx are too tight and that is why she hasn’t moved…Either way, where is the virtuosity in this? Isn’t dance supposed to impress me? I think my dog does this “dance” a few times a day. Well, maybe not in this exact pose, Mookie has more of a capsized turtle snooze style…and even Mookie jerks her legs occasionally. Oh those little paws fluttering. Wait, maybe there is a clue in this somewhere.
If she were in this exact position but flat on the floor with a folded blanket under her head. I believe it would be called constructive rest. One of these days I should actually try that…might help with that pain in my hip.
Sooooo.. have we caught her in a moment of defying the forces of capitalism, colonialism,... the patriarchy? Is this a statement on the perils of waiting for your prince to return to save you? Or is this a manifesto on alternative medical modalities? Could that explain why she has included the rollator? Nanna used to have one like that. She called it the Rolls Royce of rollators. [small chuckle] Mookie lived in fear of those wheels. She hated them more than my wheelie suitcase. This still doesn’t make sense.
Is this a joke? This certainly isn’t what I paid for. Wait, how much did I pay for my ticket? It was so late when I bought it, I can’t remember
Has anyone checked is that woman still…
Yes of course she is still
I mean is she still
You know…
Wait, did her finger twitch? Her pinkie…Did anyone else notice that? Not as much flair as Mookie- oh that little wiggle.
Well, then yes, she is alive…still.
How is this still going on?
Is it just me or does her endless stillness make anyone else notice every time they blink or fidget? See I am scratching my neck again. And uff that cramping in my right shoulder is getting worse.The knot throbs up into my jaw. I wish I had time to get a massage or go for a float but I barely have time to pee most days.It was three thirty yesterday before I realized that I hadn’t eaten anything yet. What did I eat today…I remember cheese - feta? Or was that dinner yesterday? Oh god, that carton of milk in the fridge probably needs to get thrown out. Sometimes I miss those early lockdown days where I could spend a half hour making ricotta while waiting for bread dough to rise. That smell as the warm whey hits the yeast. Mookie slyly gravitating to the kitchen seconds before the timer goes off. Hmmm. [improvised sighs and happy noises]
Good lord, we are still here.
Can this still be a dance?
Wait, if I am the one shifting my weight from one butt cheek to another, uncrossing my legs and pushing stray hairs out of my face…
Am I the dancer??? Wait til I tell Mookie!
[lights slow fade out]
Grief Carousel
Choreographed by Sophie Nash
Choreographed by Sophie Nash
Baby Mine, performed by Julie Andrews:
Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine
Little one, when you play
Pay no heed to what they say
Let your eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine
Is That All There Is, performed by Peggy Lee:
Is that all there is
Is that all there is?
If that's all there is my friends
Then let's keep dancing
Let's break out the booze and have a ball
If that's all there is
And when I was twelve years old
My daddy took me to the circus
The greatest show on Earth
There were clowns and elephants, dancing bears
And a beautiful lady in pink
Tights flew high above our heads
And as I sat there watching
I had the feeling that something was missing
I don't know what, but
When it was over
I said to myself
Is that all there is to the circus?
Is that all there is
Is that all there is?
If that's all there is my friends
Then let's keep dancing
Let's break out the booze and have a ball
If that's all there is
Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine
Little one, when you play
Pay no heed to what they say
Let your eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine
Is That All There Is, performed by Peggy Lee:
Is that all there is
Is that all there is?
If that's all there is my friends
Then let's keep dancing
Let's break out the booze and have a ball
If that's all there is
And when I was twelve years old
My daddy took me to the circus
The greatest show on Earth
There were clowns and elephants, dancing bears
And a beautiful lady in pink
Tights flew high above our heads
And as I sat there watching
I had the feeling that something was missing
I don't know what, but
When it was over
I said to myself
Is that all there is to the circus?
Is that all there is
Is that all there is?
If that's all there is my friends
Then let's keep dancing
Let's break out the booze and have a ball
If that's all there is
you will find home in your body again
Choreographed and Performed by Gracie Baruzzi
Choreographed and Performed by Gracie Baruzzi
Would you believe me now
If I told you I got caught up in a wave?
Almost gave it away
Would you hear me out
If I told you I was terrified for days?
Thought I was gonna break
Oh, I couldn't stop it
Tried to slow it all down
Crying in the bathroom
Had to figure it out
With everyone around me saying
"You must be so happy now"
Oh, if you keep reachin' out
Then I'll keep comin' back
'Cause if you're gone for good
Then I'm okay with that
If you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)
And I am findin' out
There's just no other way
That I'm still dancin'
At the end of the day
If you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)
And do you believe me now
That I always had the best intentions, babe?
Always wanted to stay
And can you feel me now
That I'm vulnerable in oh-so many ways?
Oh, and I'll never change
Oh, I couldn't stop it
Tried to figure it out
But everything kept moving
And the noise got too loud
With everyone around me saying
"You should be so happy now"
Oh, if you keep reachin' out
Then I'll keep comin' back
And if you're gone for good
Then I'm okay with that
And if you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)
And I am findin' out
There's just no other way
That I'm still dancin'
At the end of the day
And if you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)
Oh, leave the light on
Oh, would you leave the light on?
If you keep reachin' out
Then I'll keep comin' back
But if you're gone for good
Then I'm okay with that
If you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)
And I am findin' out
There's just no other way
That I'm still dancin'
At the end of the day
And if you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)
Oh, if you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
Oh, if you leave the light on
If I told you I got caught up in a wave?
Almost gave it away
Would you hear me out
If I told you I was terrified for days?
Thought I was gonna break
Oh, I couldn't stop it
Tried to slow it all down
Crying in the bathroom
Had to figure it out
With everyone around me saying
"You must be so happy now"
Oh, if you keep reachin' out
Then I'll keep comin' back
'Cause if you're gone for good
Then I'm okay with that
If you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)
And I am findin' out
There's just no other way
That I'm still dancin'
At the end of the day
If you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)
And do you believe me now
That I always had the best intentions, babe?
Always wanted to stay
And can you feel me now
That I'm vulnerable in oh-so many ways?
Oh, and I'll never change
Oh, I couldn't stop it
Tried to figure it out
But everything kept moving
And the noise got too loud
With everyone around me saying
"You should be so happy now"
Oh, if you keep reachin' out
Then I'll keep comin' back
And if you're gone for good
Then I'm okay with that
And if you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)
And I am findin' out
There's just no other way
That I'm still dancin'
At the end of the day
And if you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)
Oh, leave the light on
Oh, would you leave the light on?
If you keep reachin' out
Then I'll keep comin' back
But if you're gone for good
Then I'm okay with that
If you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)
And I am findin' out
There's just no other way
That I'm still dancin'
At the end of the day
And if you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
(Light on, light on, light on)
Oh, if you leave the light on
Then I'll leave the light on
Oh, if you leave the light on
There’s no need to argue anymore.
Choreographed and Performed by Nora Stephens
Music: The Cranberries
Choreographed and Performed by Nora Stephens
Music: The Cranberries
There's no need to argue anymore
I gave all I could, but it left me so sore
And the thing that makes me mad
Is the one thing that I had
I knew, I knew
I'd lose you
You'll always be special to me
Special to me, to me
And I remember all the things we once shared
Watching T.V. Movies on the living room armchair
But they say it will work out fine
Was it all a waste of time?
'Cause I knew, I knew
I'd lose you
You'll always be special to me
Special to me, to me
Will I forget in time? Ah
You said I was on your mind?
There's no need to argue
No need to argue anymore
There's no need to argue anymore
I gave all I could, but it left me so sore
And the thing that makes me mad
Is the one thing that I had
I knew, I knew
I'd lose you
You'll always be special to me
Special to me, to me
And I remember all the things we once shared
Watching T.V. Movies on the living room armchair
But they say it will work out fine
Was it all a waste of time?
'Cause I knew, I knew
I'd lose you
You'll always be special to me
Special to me, to me
Will I forget in time? Ah
You said I was on your mind?
There's no need to argue
No need to argue anymore
There's no need to argue anymore
Decent Dance
Choreographed and Performed by Tony Guglietti
Music: "Bedford Falls" by ford.
Decent Dance
Choreographed and Performed by Tony Guglietti
Music: "Bedford Falls" by ford.
Tony Stops.
"Sorry, sorry. I have to restart. I did that skip on the right leg and I meant to do it on the left and it is just really important to the integrity of the piece. Sorry about that - again from the top."
Tony Stops.
"AH, sorry again. When I did this move (makes a gesture) it was supposed to be a capital letter M but I accidentally did a lower case M and that messes up the entire thing."
Tony starts to walk away. Music restarts.
"Okay, that one is his fault. The music isn't supposed to start again until I get back to center."
Tony walks to downstage spot.
"When my parents come to see a show they always say they loved it but then ask what it was about. I'm sure you people have the same questions and I'd like to answer those tonight. I'll just tell you about my thought process during the creation of this piece...
-NACHMO is national Choreography month which is always in January. Anyone else feel like January has lasted a really long time this year?
-Can we just cut out a step and have a bagel that is already cream cheese flavored?
-I love making lists but I really love crossing things off the list. That's why when I make a list the first thing on the list is make a list.
-I saw an add that Mcdonalds is making the quarter pounder bigger. Doesn't that mean they need to rename it?
-I don't have any tattoos but if i got one i would get the back of my hand on my palm so I'm always giving myself a high 5.
-I wonder if W every looks at U and thinks, I'm 2 of You?
-If someone in a nudist colony is afraid of public speaking do they picture everyone naked?
-Close talkers really freak me out. If 2 close talkers talk to each other do they end up just kissing?
Thanks guys, that's my piece. I'm Tony."
Tony Stops.
"Sorry, sorry. I have to restart. I did that skip on the right leg and I meant to do it on the left and it is just really important to the integrity of the piece. Sorry about that - again from the top."
Tony Stops.
"AH, sorry again. When I did this move (makes a gesture) it was supposed to be a capital letter M but I accidentally did a lower case M and that messes up the entire thing."
Tony starts to walk away. Music restarts.
"Okay, that one is his fault. The music isn't supposed to start again until I get back to center."
Tony walks to downstage spot.
"When my parents come to see a show they always say they loved it but then ask what it was about. I'm sure you people have the same questions and I'd like to answer those tonight. I'll just tell you about my thought process during the creation of this piece...
-NACHMO is national Choreography month which is always in January. Anyone else feel like January has lasted a really long time this year?
-Can we just cut out a step and have a bagel that is already cream cheese flavored?
-I love making lists but I really love crossing things off the list. That's why when I make a list the first thing on the list is make a list.
-I saw an add that Mcdonalds is making the quarter pounder bigger. Doesn't that mean they need to rename it?
-I don't have any tattoos but if i got one i would get the back of my hand on my palm so I'm always giving myself a high 5.
-I wonder if W every looks at U and thinks, I'm 2 of You?
-If someone in a nudist colony is afraid of public speaking do they picture everyone naked?
-Close talkers really freak me out. If 2 close talkers talk to each other do they end up just kissing?
Thanks guys, that's my piece. I'm Tony."
dear ___
Choreographed by: Shira Weiss in collaboration with dancers
Alive Dance Collective
Choreographed by: Shira Weiss in collaboration with dancers
Alive Dance Collective
Hi me,
Dear Brain,
Dear 28 year old Lila,
I’m thinking a lot about my dreams, how it helps me process things.
Let’s talk about change.
Here is where your mind was at when you were 23–
I'm thinking about how my dreams have shifted as I’ve grown.
What’s been a change in life?
Deep in my body is…balancing my own desires and the desires of those around me.
Going through spirals around the ones I’ve chosen to write down to read again and which ones I am choosing to forget.
Getting married. Starting a new job. Feeling happier. New therapist. Moving. The fire. Wanting to date. So many friendships… ending and starting.
(I am also feeling pain as I write because I think I messed up my pinky somehow in rehearsal).
But I wish I could control them more. My dreams confuse me and more often than not scare me.
Sometimes I like when you change the song. Sometimes I want to listen to the same thing over and over.
I have no clue what I’m doing and that is totally okay. I am one big fumbling mess.
I make a version of myself that I’m not sure is real or not.
Sometimes I want to listen to the same thing over and over.
I am one big fumbling mess.
Am I real or not?
Over and over and over and over and over and over…
One big fumbling mess…
Real or not…
The three repeat these phrases, growing in emotion and energy, until:
And over.
Hi me,
Dear Brain,
Dear 28 year old Lila,
I’m thinking a lot about my dreams, how it helps me process things.
Let’s talk about change.
Here is where your mind was at when you were 23–
I'm thinking about how my dreams have shifted as I’ve grown.
What’s been a change in life?
Deep in my body is…balancing my own desires and the desires of those around me.
Going through spirals around the ones I’ve chosen to write down to read again and which ones I am choosing to forget.
Getting married. Starting a new job. Feeling happier. New therapist. Moving. The fire. Wanting to date. So many friendships… ending and starting.
(I am also feeling pain as I write because I think I messed up my pinky somehow in rehearsal).
But I wish I could control them more. My dreams confuse me and more often than not scare me.
Sometimes I like when you change the song. Sometimes I want to listen to the same thing over and over.
I have no clue what I’m doing and that is totally okay. I am one big fumbling mess.
I make a version of myself that I’m not sure is real or not.
Sometimes I want to listen to the same thing over and over.
I am one big fumbling mess.
Am I real or not?
Over and over and over and over and over and over…
One big fumbling mess…
Real or not…
The three repeat these phrases, growing in emotion and energy, until:
And over.
Con Luces
Choreographed and Performed by Circe Rowan
Music: Confetti by Charlotte Cardin
Choreographed and Performed by Circe Rowan
Music: Confetti by Charlotte Cardin
Always been loud in a quiet way
I always feel alone in a crowded place
I always wanna stay, wanna go, wanna stay, wanna go
I don't know
I don't know
I get sad on my birthday
I wanna talk back in the worst way
I always wanna stay, wanna go, wanna stay, wanna go
I don't know what to say
I wanna throw it all away
I feel like a zombie, I'll die at the party
Yeah, you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
I tried calling somebody to tell them come get me
But you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
Singing la da da da da
La da da da da
La da da da da
La da da da da
Find me in the club looking golden
I know everyone, I got no friends
I always wanna stay, wanna go, wanna stay, wanna go
I don't know
I don't know
And I never know what to say
'Til I'm already walking away
Wanna punch you in the face
But I won't, but I might, but I won't
And I don't wanna play
I wanna throw it all away
I feel like a zombie, I'll die at the party
Yeah, you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
I tried calling somebody to tell them come get me
But you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
Singing la da da da da
La da da da da
La da da da da
La da da da da
Look at the people, they're crazy
Look at the people, they're crazy
Look at the people, they're crazy
Look at their pupils dilating
Look at the people, they're crazy (crazy)
I feel like a zombie, I'll die at the party
Yeah, you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
I tried calling somebody to tell them come get me
But you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
Singing la da da da da
I always feel alone in a crowded place
I always wanna stay, wanna go, wanna stay, wanna go
I don't know
I don't know
I get sad on my birthday
I wanna talk back in the worst way
I always wanna stay, wanna go, wanna stay, wanna go
I don't know what to say
I wanna throw it all away
I feel like a zombie, I'll die at the party
Yeah, you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
I tried calling somebody to tell them come get me
But you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
Singing la da da da da
La da da da da
La da da da da
La da da da da
Find me in the club looking golden
I know everyone, I got no friends
I always wanna stay, wanna go, wanna stay, wanna go
I don't know
I don't know
And I never know what to say
'Til I'm already walking away
Wanna punch you in the face
But I won't, but I might, but I won't
And I don't wanna play
I wanna throw it all away
I feel like a zombie, I'll die at the party
Yeah, you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
I tried calling somebody to tell them come get me
But you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
Singing la da da da da
La da da da da
La da da da da
La da da da da
Look at the people, they're crazy
Look at the people, they're crazy
Look at the people, they're crazy
Look at their pupils dilating
Look at the people, they're crazy (crazy)
I feel like a zombie, I'll die at the party
Yeah, you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
I tried calling somebody to tell them come get me
But you'll find my body fully covered in confetti
Singing la da da da da
Ostinato in Emanation
Choreographed by: Rianna Lindsay
Leaps and Bounds Movement Company
Choreographed by: Rianna Lindsay
Leaps and Bounds Movement Company
Hold your grandmother's Bible to your breast.
Gonna put it to the test.
You want it to be blessed.
And in your heart,
You know it to be true,
You know what you gotta do.
They all depend on you.
And you already know.
Yeah, you already know how this will end.
There is no escape,
From the slave-catchers' songs.
For all of the loved ones gone.
Forever's not so long.
And in your soul,
They poked a million holes.
But you never let them show.
C'mon it's time to go.
Already know.
Yeah, you already know
How this will end.
You already know (You already know)
You already know (you already know)
You already love will end.
Gonna put it to the test.
You want it to be blessed.
And in your heart,
You know it to be true,
You know what you gotta do.
They all depend on you.
And you already know.
Yeah, you already know how this will end.
There is no escape,
From the slave-catchers' songs.
For all of the loved ones gone.
Forever's not so long.
And in your soul,
They poked a million holes.
But you never let them show.
C'mon it's time to go.
Already know.
Yeah, you already know
How this will end.
You already know (You already know)
You already know (you already know)
You already love will end.
Remain the Sea
Choreographed by: Manasa Jayanthi
Choreographed by: Manasa Jayanthi
Mother swallows golden sand Whispers: She's taking back what's hers Her feet are two split continents Her heart is the map of the world Lay with me through my storm, she says Be the moon to my sun I ask her: But where does the heart go When it's taken from the motherland? I'm like the sky, pregnant with life I'm searching for a safe place To empty Mother crashes her body against the shore Says: Pain is what we carry upon our backs Love is being silent about the weight The death of the motherland Is not in what we leave behind, she says But in everything we forget And you're not so privileged You are a child of fire and water The strength to be the storm And to carry it is within you So storm, she says And I will carry your every drop The body is a continent But may your heart Always remain the sea
Matilda's Cellphone Waltz
Choreographed and Performed by Leah Misano
Choreographed and Performed by Leah Misano
"Hmm... I wonder what he's up to right now?
Maybe I'll just send him a text.
Hey! What's up?
Hm... Too impersonal.
Hi! How are you?
Too formal.
Yo what goes? What are you doing? How's it going? Everything okay? What are you up to?
*voice starts to overlap*"
Maybe I'll just send him a text.
Hey! What's up?
Hm... Too impersonal.
Hi! How are you?
Too formal.
Yo what goes? What are you doing? How's it going? Everything okay? What are you up to?
*voice starts to overlap*"
Change (excerpt from The Head is not the Star of the Body)
Choreographed by Cassie Wang
Choreographed by Cassie Wang
Change, like the wind
Like the water, like skin
Change, like the sky
Like the leaves, like a butterfly
Would you live forever, never die
While everything around passes?
Would you smile forever, never cry
While everything you know passes?
Death, like a door
To a place we've never been before
Death, like space
The deep sea, a suitcase
Would you stare forever at the sun
Never watch the moon rising?
Would you walk forever in the light
To never learn the secret of the quiet night?
Still, like a stone
Like a hill, like home
Still, what I find
Is you are always on my mind
Could I feel happy for you
When I hear you talk with her like we used to?
Could I set everything free
When I watch you holding her the way you once held me?
Change, like the sky
Like the leaves, like a butterfly
Death, like a door
To a place we've never been before
Would you live forever, never die
While everything around passes?
Would you smile forever, never cry?
Change, like the wind
Like the water, like skin
Change, like the sky
Like the leaves, like a butterfly
Would you live forever, never die
While everything around passes?
Would you smile forever, never cry
While everything you know passes?
Death, like a door
To a place we've never been before
Death, like space
The deep sea, a suitcase
Would you stare forever at the sun
Never watch the moon rising?
Would you walk forever in the light
To never learn the secret of the quiet night?
Still, like a stone
Like a hill, like home
Still, what I find
Is you are always on my mind
Could I feel happy for you
When I hear you talk with her like we used to?
Could I set everything free
When I watch you holding her the way you once held me?
Change, like the sky
Like the leaves, like a butterfly
Death, like a door
To a place we've never been before
Would you live forever, never die
While everything around passes?
Would you smile forever, never cry?
Choreographed by Jennifer Kuhnberg
Onstage Dance Company
Choreographed by Jennifer Kuhnberg
Onstage Dance Company
It's been in my head for so long after
They told me these words I can't remember
It keeps coming on and on
They kept beating on and on my face
If they keep telling I'm a liar
Babe, it's not my fault I built these layers
I can't meet myself
What about my masculinity?
What the f- is wrong with my body?
Am I not enough?
Who gives you the right to run the rules?
Who gives you the right to run the rules?
What's wrong with you?
[Hook 2x]
Tell me, baby, baby, do I walk like a boy?
Do I speak like a boy? Do I stand like a boy?
Sorry, babe, you keep asking, do I kiss like a boy?
Should I spit like a boy? May I f- all the boys?
Tell me, baby, baby…
[Verse 2]
My flesh, to jail my soul
I just feel like I can fall
My muscles not sharp enough
And my hair is way too long
And what about my voice? Hm?
What about my voice? Hm?
Do you think I sound
Like the others?
[Hook Repeats]
What about my masculinity?
What the f- is wrong with my body?
Am I not enough? Or even too much?
It would be shortsighted to try
Is it coming through your mind?
But I don't care to be a man
They told me these words I can't remember
It keeps coming on and on
They kept beating on and on my face
If they keep telling I'm a liar
Babe, it's not my fault I built these layers
I can't meet myself
What about my masculinity?
What the f- is wrong with my body?
Am I not enough?
Who gives you the right to run the rules?
Who gives you the right to run the rules?
What's wrong with you?
[Hook 2x]
Tell me, baby, baby, do I walk like a boy?
Do I speak like a boy? Do I stand like a boy?
Sorry, babe, you keep asking, do I kiss like a boy?
Should I spit like a boy? May I f- all the boys?
Tell me, baby, baby…
[Verse 2]
My flesh, to jail my soul
I just feel like I can fall
My muscles not sharp enough
And my hair is way too long
And what about my voice? Hm?
What about my voice? Hm?
Do you think I sound
Like the others?
[Hook Repeats]
What about my masculinity?
What the f- is wrong with my body?
Am I not enough? Or even too much?
It would be shortsighted to try
Is it coming through your mind?
But I don't care to be a man
I’ll ask your mom if you ask mine
Choreographed and Performed by Ananth Udupa and CJ Donohoe
Choreographed and Performed by Ananth Udupa and CJ Donohoe
It's nice to hear your voice again
I've waited all day long
Even wrote a song for you
It's strange, the way you make me feel
With just a word or two
I'd like to do the same for you
It's nice to hear you say "hello"
And "how are things with you?
I love you"
But very soon it's time to go
An office job to do
While I'm here writing songs for you
How a phone call can change your day
Take you away
From the feeling of being alone
Bless the telephone
It's nice, the way you say my name
Not very fast or slow, just soft and low
The same as when you tell me how you feel
I feel the same way, too
I'm very much in love with you
I'm very much in love with you
I've waited all day long
Even wrote a song for you
It's strange, the way you make me feel
With just a word or two
I'd like to do the same for you
It's nice to hear you say "hello"
And "how are things with you?
I love you"
But very soon it's time to go
An office job to do
While I'm here writing songs for you
How a phone call can change your day
Take you away
From the feeling of being alone
Bless the telephone
It's nice, the way you say my name
Not very fast or slow, just soft and low
The same as when you tell me how you feel
I feel the same way, too
I'm very much in love with you
I'm very much in love with you
Along Came Polly
Choreographed by Nick Neagle
NSquared Dance
Choreographed by Nick Neagle
NSquared Dance
I was sleeping and right in the middle of a good dream
Like all at once I wake up from something that keeps knocking at my brain
Before I go insane I hold my pillow to my head
And spring up in my bed screaming out the words I dread
I think I love you (I think I love you)
This morning I woke up with this feeling
I didn't know how to deal with and so I just decided to myself
I'd hide it to myself and never talk about it
And did not go and shout it when you walked into the room
I think I love you (I think I love you)
I think I love you so what am I so afraid of
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of a love there is no cure for
I think I love you isn't that what life is made of
Though it worries me to say that I never felt this way
I don't know what I'm up against
I don't know what it's all about
I got so much to think about
Hey, I think I love you so what am I so afraid of
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of a love there is no cure for
I think I love you isn't that what life is made of
Though it worries me to say I never felt this way
Believe me you really don't have to worry
I only wanna make you happy and if you say "hey go away" I will
But I think better still I'd better stay around and love you
Do you think I have a case let me ask you to your face
Do you think you love me?
I think I love you
I think I love you
I think I love you
I think I love you
I think I love you
I think I love you
I think I love you
I think I love you
Like all at once I wake up from something that keeps knocking at my brain
Before I go insane I hold my pillow to my head
And spring up in my bed screaming out the words I dread
I think I love you (I think I love you)
This morning I woke up with this feeling
I didn't know how to deal with and so I just decided to myself
I'd hide it to myself and never talk about it
And did not go and shout it when you walked into the room
I think I love you (I think I love you)
I think I love you so what am I so afraid of
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of a love there is no cure for
I think I love you isn't that what life is made of
Though it worries me to say that I never felt this way
I don't know what I'm up against
I don't know what it's all about
I got so much to think about
Hey, I think I love you so what am I so afraid of
I'm afraid that I'm not sure of a love there is no cure for
I think I love you isn't that what life is made of
Though it worries me to say I never felt this way
Believe me you really don't have to worry
I only wanna make you happy and if you say "hey go away" I will
But I think better still I'd better stay around and love you
Do you think I have a case let me ask you to your face
Do you think you love me?
I think I love you
I think I love you
I think I love you
I think I love you
I think I love you
I think I love you
I think I love you
I think I love you