N: What have you been up to in the last year?
ID: IMPACT celebrated its fifth year as a company and we put on our fifth concert at the BU dance theater in January 2016! Since then we have been on a break and this year's ChoreoFest would be our reunion!! N: Have you used the piece you created during ChoreoFest? In what way? ID: Surprisingly no.. However ChoreoFest usually kicks off our company's season :) N: What advice do you have for this year's participants? ID: Enjoy it. Yes you will get tired, frustrated and slap happy but it is worth it. I have learned numerous things about myself, my dancers and my movement by being open to the festival and all its challenges! N: What is your favorite memory from last year's festival? ID: Hmm that's a tough one... I remember talking to my dancers prior to choreofest and telling them 'I know we are not suppose to plan anything but I would love to do a funny piece.' Low and behold the two, yes two themes we pulled were far from 'funny!' We all had a good laugh. N: Where can people see you/your work these days? Any upcoming performances? ID: ChoreoFest 2016 hopefully ;) I also started teaching an open Contemporary class at Jeanette Neill's on Wednesday nights!
Psst... The library is named after Karen and Jason's Grandmas, Dorothey (Clary) Moffat and Alise Cimermanis, and was built by Nicole and her dad, Steve!
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April 2023